Merino wool

Merino wool

100% Spanish XXL merino wool MIA Sustainable Collection
Wool is widely used for its natural properties of comfort, warmth and durability. However, there can be many environmental, biodiversity and animal welfare issues involved in processing them. They may be sheep that do not graze, staying in a small space, in unfavorable conditions throughout their lives. Furthermore, the way in which it is sheared and handled can involve mistreatment of the animal.
On the other hand, the manufacturing process may contain added chemicals for washing, handling and dyes.
And in many cases, they come from systems where the shepherd and/or artisan are economically and socially underprivileged.

Our solution

On the one hand, we work with XXL 100% Spanish merino wool in its natural color, without added artificial dyes or additives, it is only washed and combed, preserving its fat and natural aroma.
In addition to its soft texture, ability to warm and decorate, it is hypoallergenic.
On the other hand, we work with wool and silk blend balls, dyed with natural dyes.

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